Today things are different. She is 88 years old, and she is sad. She is sad that she can't hold Arlo by herself, she is sad that she can't babysit him, like she did me. She is sad that her body doesn't work like it use to and that she can't live in a house and cook everyday, but today her face lit up. She loves Arlo more than anything, and I am so happy that she gets to see me as a mother. She gets to see me as a women, who created life. What she doesn't realize is that she has created this family, that she is responsible for all of her children, grandchildren, and now all 5 of her great grandkids.

She is a fiesty women, but you can't help but love her for it. She has shown me so much, and I only hope one day I will be half the women she is.
She also bought Chris a brush. He humored her and let her brush his hair. She is something else that women!

*The first picture is Arlo at 3 months. He is such a little man now!
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