This weekend we took Arlo to the aquarium, he actually loved it. He loves animals and he was hypnotized by the fish. It's always fun to see him experience new things. Simple things we don't think twice about.
We also headed up to Hollywood for the day. Great Aunt Barb came to visit and we had a nice lunch at the grove. Before we went to the Grove though we got to visit the new addition to our extended family. Arlo has a new best friend and I can't even begin to tell you how cute and lovable this little guy is. You will have to trust me on this:) The Arlo Townes project is about to begin!

All and all it was a very nice weekend. Now let's get through this week! To start it off here is one of my favorites....
We LOVE baby BabyLegs! They have been my go to gift for everyone I know having a baby girl. I have always been in love with them. I had an internal debate about BabyLegs when Arlo was a few months old. I wasn't sure if they could work for a little boy, and Arlo is so boyish. Well it all changed because we were going to IL in November, and I needed layers. I immediately needed BabyLegs and had to have them. Arlo's legs were getting chunkier and he was crawling a lot, so I figured it would be perfect. They would keep him warm under his pants and at home he could wear them when he was crawling around the house. I also realized they were super cute for boys, as well. They work for everything and they are amazing in every way. BabyLegs FTW!
1 comment:
Arlo Townes and the baby legs, now that's a band name ;)
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