Monday, March 22, 2010


I was sick last week, and therefore out of order.

My weekends are always packed and they are full of Arlo time. It was a beautiful weekend. We played outside and went to a bbq with extended family. Arlo played with his girlfriend, and I held Arlo's new bestfriend.

I love my weekends and when they come around, I feel okay about working all week. The past few months I have felt really good about being a working mom. I think I am doing an alright job balancing the two, but come Monday's, I always feel like my heart is heavy saying goodbye. I have a full weekend of smiles and laughter and it's so hard to leave those blue eyes.

Arlo is walking all over the place and he thinks he is a comedian all of a sudden. He will hide behind his blanket until I notice him, then laugh and smile. He also tries to make me laugh when I'm nursing him. He is such a ham and he is my little ham. I can't believe how much he is becoming his own person. He is so sweet and loving and full of such personality.

So how do you leave that????

I have to say it has been a lot better. Work and being a mom have settled into their own times and so far it's all working out. Sometimes I feel I have the best of both worlds.

And in good news, he hasn't pulled any kids hair lately!

*I haven't uploaded pics in awhile, so I will have some new ones to share soon.

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